The new Freetown Stake temple trip left for Accra yesterday. A bus came from Accra but broke down just outside of Freetown the day before they were scheduled to leave. Another bus was dispatched from Liberia but it didn't arrive till a day later. In the mean time many of the 48 members camped out at the stake center. They cooked their meals on charcoal stoves and slept on the floor in the stake offices.
The baby in back is one month old. The trip takes five days. When the bus driver gets sleepy they pull over and fix their meals and sleep on the bus or on the ground. How would you like to try that with two little ones?
When the bus finally arrived everyone was anxious to get going. All of their gear had to be tied onto the top of the bus.
Tires are always an attraction for kids.
This sister hurried onto the bus. She said: "I am so happy. I am going to the temple!"

Getting everything organized for the journey.
Aren't boxes great?
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